Technology is one of the main tools to make our users’ experience more secure and reliable every time. Over 5,000 variables are scanned in real time to detect and pause or remove any posts in violation with our terms and conditions.
This semi-annual report shows results based on four action axes: information requested by relevant authorities from different countries where we run business in, the response index in relation to posts in violation to the Terms and Conditions, personal data protection, and intellectual property rights protection, through our Brand Protection Program.
The publication of this document is intended to strengthen the bond with our users so that we can keep increasingly offering them more solutions in a safe and reliable way.
We are aware of our role in terms of economic and social aspects, and we believe that
becoming more transparent is a way to honor an increasingly deeper bond with our users.
The purpose of this report is to make our policies and actions transparent to safeguard the
security and privacy of all users in our entire regional ecosystem.
Marcos Galperin
CEO of Mercado Libre